Alex Culligan

Alex Culligan

Comment Ticket Badge

Show the status of tickets created from comments in Zendesk Help Center


:zendesk: This is a tip for Zendesk

Someone asked if it was possible to look up the status of a ticket that was created from a Zendesk Help Center comment and make changes based on that.

That is definitely possible by making an API call that gets the ticket information.

In this example, I am changing the existing badge with the ticket number to also include the current status and status color.

There are other actions you can do with this code, like changing the background color of the whole comment div, adding pop-up alerts, making the comment disappear, etc.

This will work on all Zendesk Help Center templates for both Article and Community post comments.

Quick note before starting: This is customization that is not supported by Zendesk, and you might need a web developer to help you if you have issues.

Go to your Zendesk Help Center's Edit Theme page and add this code at the top of the JS page.

Save and publish the changes, and that's it.


Alexander Culligan Alexander Culligan


Code available here.

Remember to change SUBDOMAIN to your actual subdomain. For example: var subdomain = 'support';


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